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dear sir or mam, is there a way to implement kurumi from date a live or someone that kinda looks like here, idk why but i kinda feel a personality like her would make the game even more fun then it already is !


Wait the game sending mixed signals . I dominace is raised it means the girl od more dominant yes?

that's the goal, yes! But sometimes on implementation level I may mix things up cause of being tired, hahaha

Is the "wait for lucy to contact you" meant to be the end part of the free release version of her? 
sorry for the bother



Yeah, it sounds about right! I may have mixed something when I was patching the bug :< I need to automate the differences between patreon and public version but didn't have much time to do it cause I'm swamped with my regular job :/

ah, I see thanks for answering
keep up the good work on both jobs!

is all the sex sences just ai art or is it animated cause after the dates i just get the ai pics


? Sex scenes aren't AI

(1 edit) (+2)

I guess you mean static - yes, some of the sex scenes are animated but most are static due to budget limitations. We must grow a little more before I can afford animations again :)


do you plan to stop using ai images for the backgrounds at some point, they are a shame to see when the character art is so good


I'd love to hire a dedicated background artist, but currently the patreon isn't enough to fund the current state of the game :( There are some more popular titles with much bigger patreon and if Loverse ever grow into such size I will definitely search for specialized artists! I just had to make this decision to actually start the project, else there would be no game at all :(


That's super fair, thanks for the clarification!


i don't understand one thing when you flirt with eve the dialouge means she should let someone else be in control but she is gaining dominant points???


Must be a human error while coding :) thanks for the report, ill look into it!

damn, i was able to download this before the update and now its saying there are no compatible downloads :(( 

Thanks! How about now?



Is eve's update available in public version 

The guide?

? There's a guide built in :) Or well, a hint system

Show post...

Esta en español :(?


soon :)

Morgpie doesnt show up at the pub on monday evening, is my game bugged?

hard to say, she does show up for me! :) best if is if you could hop on discord and share your save file with us, else I won't be able to fix/advise on the issue

I made a new save and it works

great, thanks! We try to fix these bugs but it's hard to find without reports haha

How do you earn money to buy stuff?

go to the dumpling restaurant in the morning :)

Deleted 60 days ago

You don't use it, you just buy it and it will unlock an event where it will be required :)

Deleted 60 days ago

I don't trust this game in the files there are a bunch of files saying ad injectors or things relating to ads 

that's probably cause of the onlyfans and fansly links we have put for the creators we have cooperated with :) like CottontailVA

I've been enjoying the game so far, but I ran into an issue. I can't continue the Morgpie quest because after I bought the exercise clothes the game didn't give me them and now is saying that i bought them. It gave me the money back, but the clothes are not in my inventory and it says they are sold out so i can't buy them again.

Hop on discord so I can look into the bug! :) happy you're enjoying the game so far!

the sarah and lucy quests are completely bugged after the bar scene lucy does not contact me no matter how many wednesdays pass and for sarah its the same issue no contact at all


it's not a bug, the next steps are only available to patreon users :) I haven't made the ingame guide info about it yet

do the pink haired chick and the girl who bullies her have a story yet? I seen them one time but nothing happened and i couldnt find them again. How do i get access to them

The pink haired girl is a part of Molly's story (for now - we will add more content for her in the future); Molly is available in the patreon version, though :)
The girls that bully her will be available in the upcoming months slowly :)


thanks (:

please add femboy kinks am not gay im just saying 👬

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll keep it on my mind :D

hi dude, can you add Turkish translation

noted it down, thanks!

Can you give me permission to translate it into Spanish?

We are working on the Spanish translation right now, we'll be thankful for any feedback after we release it though! ❤️

Sex scenes animated or not?

some scenes are animated :) unfortunately I can't afford animations on all scenes for now, until project grows more :(

When the game is finished is it going to be free or do I need to pay for it :)

it will be a buy2play game when it's finished :)

Is there a Russian language in the game?

nope, sorry!

Can it be Chinese-translated?


we are working on it! :)

After this update, the 'pins' for locations all disappear aside from the cafe and Sarah's apartment. I've tried reloading earlier saves, but nothing has fixed it so far. 

Other than that, this is a great game and I am excited to see where it goes. You are a great storyteller!


Thanks for the nice words despite the difficulties <3 I'm sorry the pins are not working properly - are you playing on a loaded save from the previous version? We haven't had much chance to test that so there are definitely bugs, it would help us out if you could hop on discord and share the story of that bug, perhaps share the save with us so we can find what the issue is and fix it <3


Breaking my self-imposed rule of commenting before I finish all (or at least most) available content.

From the prologue alone I feel you (and your team if you aren't a solo dev!) are hitting the goal of making a rich and engaging VN and then some! I can't think of many, if any, other VN that made me feel as anxious but also sunk a hook of interest so deep and made me want to know more as this one has.

Seriously an underrated game, both glad and regretful I didn't check this out sooner. On one hand I've been missing out on a real gem, on the other there's more content to go through than when I first Followed.

Hope things go by smoothly for you, can't wait to see how things progress!


Wow, you have no idea how much this means to me <3 I'm currently doing most od the things solo, got some backup help if needed, and hopefully I'll be able to involve that help more in the future (as the game reaches more players) to improve the quality and increase everything the game has to offer <3

Are the save files compatible between versions? I tried to load my last save file on the new 0.7 but it give an error and makes me restart the game.

Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't - we improve that with every version but it's something that we've started working on very recently so there are some bugs left we're fighting :) Hopefully it will improve over the next few updates and be 90% bulletproof!

I got to Morgan's questline, how do I purchase the excersise suit?

Feel free to hop on our discord in case of any questions! :)

Will the full release be free?

Nope, sorry! We're a very small team and we're investing our own savings to make this project happen - we'd love to make this our full time jobs but to achieve it, we have to somehow monetize the game :) We hate microtransaction games, so the Patreon development with ultimately b2p approach is something we're planning to go with :)

Love ur game pls try to put more updates quickly i can wait :)


How do I initiate the quest of sarah? "Trick the dean" it says and how exactly? Also how do I meet asha in the cafe? Is that in vr or rl

U have to wait till u see a random woman at the campus in rl and then you will be able to talk to her


I'm at the point where it says wait for Sarah to contact me. Only she's not contacting me. Also, how do I find Molly?

Is there no H-scene gallery?

not currently


Hi I'm a big fan of your game. great art great story everything . It will be great if u add some lesbian content:)

it's planned :3


Thank you so much

(1 edit)

I'm at a point where waiting on sarah to contact me but she's also stuck in my room? Is she supposed to be there after tricking the dean?

absolutely not! Sounds like a bug, I'd love to see your save file if you could hop on discord and bring up that issue ❤️

Turns out I just needed to tell her not to come to my apartment after a date. Solved the issue

I played for  30 min. and I didn't ingage with the story or the scenes; maby because i played on android rather then windows, i will update this comment then

im at where Asha needs to meet me in my room but the event won't trigger, is this the end of her story or am i missing something? (btw i have everything else checked)

Hi! Yeah, this is the end of her path in the current public version for this month!

App not installed, says on the android version. Any fix for this?

this is most likely an issue with your phone, as nobody else has reported such issue and it's been downloaded by quite many :(


It was, I have already fixed the problem though, thanks for that reminder.

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