Scene 1) Feed her drinks until she bolts to the bathroom. Scene 2) Keep at it w/ Dolores. If she snitched on Rapunzel at the hotel, she'll do it again at the pub. ;)
it gotten better but still the hints at not helping much i just got 2 drinks and both are from elsa who is the easiest if you know some herbology but the alcohol type sparkly ? fresh? invigorating? clean? if we are not a alcohol expert we would not have a clue what in heavens name they are asking for
Bro I like the game but please make it dumb people friendly , i cannot figure out the hints about the drink at all , i feel even more aware of my dumbness after failing a drink 5 times.
PLEASE rewrite the narration to be present tense only. I want to like this game but I cannot stand past tense in VNs, it's extremely immersion breaking. The only thing worse than past tense narration is mixed tense narration.
Also, being able to set the characters' age as well as name would be pretty cool.
ETA: after having played a bit more, it's not just that the narration is past tense that bothers me, but there is way too much of it. This is a visual medium, treat it as such. As an example, saying "the girl was shocked" is completely unnecessary when her expression changes to show she is shocked.
Also, fuck AI slop. The real art in this is so nice, don't ruin it with trash.
thanks a lot for your detailed comment! I'll try to break down on it so you(and others too!) better understand my motivation and perspective :)
I'll try to pay more attention to being more consequent with the narrative - it's the first time I'm doing it so I'll add more focus on it, thanks for the tip! I'll try to limit on the descriptions in situations which are already visible too :)
As for AI - I understand it can be disheartening for some, but currently I can't afford arts for the game other than the character sprites; It's a hobby project, I am not a professional and I also have family & work - all of the money from Patreon is invested back into the arts - but that's $200 a month (right now, it was $50 last month) which means I can literally afford one or two arts per month. If I slow down on updates, people will start unsubscribing hence the patreon would start shrinking; In order to move to a full hand-drawn process I'd need the patreon to be _at least_ 10 times bigger, and that's still a point where I personally won't make a dime out of it (writing, coding, "marketing" and whatnot).
Because of all that I want to find a balance of hand drawn and AI at the beginning, and then redraw AI to hand drawn arts when I can afford it.
In my head it's the only way to make the odds be in my favor, else it's abandoning the project. And I don't want to abandon it, cause I always wanted to create something kinky and funny with these characters :)
Curious if it's just going to be Disney characters? That's fine if it's your plan, but just wondered if you're planning on branching out. Like, you could do Chel from Dreamworks' The Road to El Dorado. Or the mom from The Iron Giant. Or you could get REALLY edgy and do Zippora from Prince of Egypt. Just some ideas.
This game is way too hard LOL i just want to click and read, ill make drinks all day but berhaps the hints could be more forgiving / a back button function. If you click history to read the chat log you get trapped and cannot return to the drink ingredient page.
ummm, I just started the game in the web above and I can see the back button; I can even use it after preparing the drink, noticing it's bad and trying again...
Can't you see the button yourself? sounds weird :x
Love the artwork first of all. Hopefully with enough support we can expect animations in the future. The concept is intriguing, however, it would be nice if the girls could give some more inclusive (or any at all) hints as to what ingredients they like or dislike either before or after receiving drinks/developing relations would potentially draw in more supporters and less chaotic comments. The number of combinations is intriguing yet slightly overwhelming, and the names of the ingredients seemingly don't provide any context clues, they only add to the confusion. Overall neutral at the moment but I look forward to seeing how Charmed continues to develop. If it does continue. ("I hope it does")
Just curious, I unlocked all of the drink mixes and they all say 'I'm really busy today. Let's talk another time, alright?' and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now? That and Rapunzel hasn't come to the pub yet.
She comes to the pub when you DON'T open the pub :) she mentions she doesn't like crowds and the hero suggests he doesnt have to open for her to feel better
As for the rest - this is the end of this version; It's only the first one for now and every month there will be more content added (increasing with more people joining the patreon to help me fund the arts too :) )
idk if its cause my laptop is just shit ( chromebook gang btw ) but the initial loading takes a lil while, which i dont put it past you dev because its a new game... and i wont put it past me with having such a shitty OS lol. just figured id point it out in case there just so happens to be an internal problem
Thats because ive set the game to download fully before starting, else there were some bugs out of my control :( ill try to lower the size of the game, see if that helps
Am I doing something wrong or is really hard just to talk with one of the girls. I have done 2 weeks mostly giving drinks to two girls. I even found a perfect recipe to one of them which I have given her a couple of times but they still refuse to talk to me at all. Do I just need to keep giving them more drinks or what?
Core idea is solid, and art looks good. Gameplay idea seems okay, but actual play is shots in the dark. If there's a connection between what the girls want and what they say, I failed to crack the code. Would help to have an in game record of what was asked, what was offered, and the result. Or something. The gamer in me is twitchy of so many game hours skipped with nothing to show, but understand there's not yet much content for the mornings.
so far its good but i dont understand exactley what to do besides serving drinks even my hearts dont rise anymore and i played the last few ingame nights and nothing happens
Still to early development for me to give a full opinion, but right now it's 2/5 for me. Can definitely make the whole bartending thing easier vs a triple combination scavenger hunt. Also on Android id hit some error screens the first couple of times I tried bartending, but haven't seen it since closing and restarting.
No the whole game is a 2/5 because of its entirety, but like I said you're still early development with a lot of feedback so we'll see over the next few updates.
from what i played so far its great and can't wait to see more but i do agree with everyone else that the drink making need a hint system or something like that. keep up the good work and when eda the owl lady (joking on that last bit)
red wine | apple | thyme. this gives me the message: "it's like you captured the spirit of the earth in a glass - pure perfection" it appears to be the best one
edit: when i try to give her another drink, it now shows the option "perfect" above the serve button
edit2: turns out the perfect combination becomes obsolete at some point, turning into something different
edit 3: turns out there are different perfect combinations for the different messages, the perfect combinations still work for the related message
I can see the potential and inspirations for this game. Unfortunately I tried to play the browser version on Android and got stuck in the "History" menu. I also noticed there are a couple of text errors, for example I gave a custom name to the ex-GF but the game semi-crashed into the store page, and after I restored it the Narrator called her by her original name anyways.
Obviously these are somewhat expected happenings for a solo project that just released, with polish it could become a great demo.
Thank you very much! :) I'll be working hard on fixing bugs, adding more content and making the drink mixing more enjoyable - the pace and the growth of the project will depend a lot on people's trust and helping out via patreon though, of course!
i think the bug may be that certain names in locations are picked up not from a variable (custom name) but from hard coded entries, i had no crashes but Rae and Elly kept popping up despite having custom Names
I make this quick, the concept is lovely the making drinks perfectly is very difficult with the amount variety in the ingredients, and something i noticed, you have an android version of the game with no way for somone using a phone to leave the history. With improvements there is a lot of potential here.
← Return to game
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For some reason the game isn't saving
works for others and myself so it looks like your local issue sadly :(
how can i unlock essa scenes? Is it just on patreon?
How do i progress elsa and repunzal
What is Elsa's recipes?
Arctic Tonic:
*Gin Breeze + Lemon Squeeze + Mint Leaf Twist
*Vodka Twist + Berry Bliss + Lavender Essence
*Champagne Fizz + Citrus Zing + Basil Breeze
Polar Radiance:
*Brandy Flame + Pineapple Burst + Rosemary Sprig
*Red Wine Essence + Apple Twist + Thyme Drop
*Tequila Burst + Mango Splash + Chamomile Softness.
Meltwater Marvel:
*Rum Punch + Grapefruit Punch + Sage Petal
*Bourbon Kick + Cherry Spark + Coriander Hint
*Absinthe Drip + Watermelon Crush + Elderflower Note
Is there supposed to be no sound in the browser version...?
supposed? Yes
Is it going to stay that way? No :)
Los diálogos de Rapunzel y los ingredientes no están traducidos a español
Thanks for the info! It must have broke when voice acting was added :(
"i'll serve you the best drinks in town!" he says to the woman, as he remember that yeasty hooch is all that he has
5% of the pubs revenue is an INSANE paycheck
Great Work. I can see the progress really well, can't wait for the next update
Who knows Dolores' drink recipes?
Bright & Sparkly: Absinthe Drip + Pineapple Burst + Chamomile Softness.
Bold Kick: Red Wine + Peach Nectar + Thyme Drop
Light & Refreshing: Rum Pinch + Mago Splash + Basil Breeze ;)
How do i access the Rapunzel scene
Scene 1) Feed her drinks until she bolts to the bathroom. Scene 2) Keep at it w/ Dolores. If she snitched on Rapunzel at the hotel, she'll do it again at the pub. ;)
savior <3
it gotten better but still the hints at not helping much i just got 2 drinks and both are from elsa who is the easiest if you know some herbology but the alcohol type sparkly ? fresh? invigorating? clean? if we are not a alcohol expert we would not have a clue what in heavens name they are asking for
There will be more simplifications coming, UI help hasnt been implemented yet and there will be more beside that too :)
Meanwhile theres a list of drinks on discord :)
Bro I like the game but please make it dumb people friendly , i cannot figure out the hints about the drink at all , i feel even more aware of my dumbness after failing a drink 5 times.
-A restarted guy(me)
Hey buddy! Worry not, already looking into it! :)
Thanks a lot bro
Thanks a lot bro
I made an account to post this.
PLEASE rewrite the narration to be present tense only. I want to like this game but I cannot stand past tense in VNs, it's extremely immersion breaking. The only thing worse than past tense narration is mixed tense narration.
Also, being able to set the characters' age as well as name would be pretty cool.
ETA: after having played a bit more, it's not just that the narration is past tense that bothers me, but there is way too much of it. This is a visual medium, treat it as such. As an example, saying "the girl was shocked" is completely unnecessary when her expression changes to show she is shocked.
Also, fuck AI slop. The real art in this is so nice, don't ruin it with trash.
Hey! <3
thanks a lot for your detailed comment! I'll try to break down on it so you(and others too!) better understand my motivation and perspective :)
I'll try to pay more attention to being more consequent with the narrative - it's the first time I'm doing it so I'll add more focus on it, thanks for the tip! I'll try to limit on the descriptions in situations which are already visible too :)
As for AI - I understand it can be disheartening for some, but currently I can't afford arts for the game other than the character sprites; It's a hobby project, I am not a professional and I also have family & work - all of the money from Patreon is invested back into the arts - but that's $200 a month (right now, it was $50 last month) which means I can literally afford one or two arts per month. If I slow down on updates, people will start unsubscribing hence the patreon would start shrinking; In order to move to a full hand-drawn process I'd need the patreon to be _at least_ 10 times bigger, and that's still a point where I personally won't make a dime out of it (writing, coding, "marketing" and whatnot).
Because of all that I want to find a balance of hand drawn and AI at the beginning, and then redraw AI to hand drawn arts when I can afford it.
In my head it's the only way to make the odds be in my favor, else it's abandoning the project. And I don't want to abandon it, cause I always wanted to create something kinky and funny with these characters :)
Esmerelda tha Goat
Curious if it's just going to be Disney characters? That's fine if it's your plan, but just wondered if you're planning on branching out. Like, you could do Chel from Dreamworks' The Road to El Dorado. Or the mom from The Iron Giant. Or you could get REALLY edgy and do Zippora from Prince of Egypt. Just some ideas.
I'm open to ideas! :)
Chel has been on my mind already...
Or Eris from the animated Sinbad :0
This game is way too hard LOL i just want to click and read, ill make drinks all day but berhaps the hints could be more forgiving / a back button function. If you click history to read the chat log you get trapped and cannot return to the drink ingredient page.
ummm, I just started the game in the web above and I can see the back button; I can even use it after preparing the drink, noticing it's bad and trying again...
Can't you see the button yourself? sounds weird :x
You might be playing the old version?
I want a back button here.
So that I can reverse the conversation.
Ummmm, I can see the back button down there - can't you?
Sorry this may be stupid but how exactly do I progress with the girls? Is it just giving the correct drinks?
Yes once you get the drink exactly right it gets "memorized" at that point you can click perfect to make the requested cocktail.
Is the MC the only one who has sex and a romantic relationship with the LIs?
I guess I'll try the game then.
звука нет ?
Love the artwork first of all. Hopefully with enough support we can expect animations in the future. The concept is intriguing, however, it would be nice if the girls could give some more inclusive (or any at all) hints as to what ingredients they like or dislike either before or after receiving drinks/developing relations would potentially draw in more supporters and less chaotic comments. The number of combinations is intriguing yet slightly overwhelming, and the names of the ingredients seemingly don't provide any context clues, they only add to the confusion. Overall neutral at the moment but I look forward to seeing how Charmed continues to develop. If it does continue. ("I hope it does")
Thanks! I'll do my best to keep the project alive :)
Just curious, I unlocked all of the drink mixes and they all say 'I'm really busy today. Let's talk another time, alright?' and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now? That and Rapunzel hasn't come to the pub yet.
She comes to the pub when you DON'T open the pub :) she mentions she doesn't like crowds and the hero suggests he doesnt have to open for her to feel better
As for the rest - this is the end of this version; It's only the first one for now and every month there will be more content added (increasing with more people joining the patreon to help me fund the arts too :) )
idk if its cause my laptop is just shit ( chromebook gang btw ) but the initial loading takes a lil while, which i dont put it past you dev because its a new game... and i wont put it past me with having such a shitty OS lol. just figured id point it out in case there just so happens to be an internal problem
Thats because ive set the game to download fully before starting, else there were some bugs out of my control :( ill try to lower the size of the game, see if that helps
is there a way to hide the text block during scenes?
H doesn't work during those for me
I'll make sure you can hide it :)
Am I doing something wrong or is really hard just to talk with one of the girls. I have done 2 weeks mostly giving drinks to two girls. I even found a perfect recipe to one of them which I have given her a couple of times but they still refuse to talk to me at all. Do I just need to keep giving them more drinks or what?
keep finding the perfect combinations, there's also some characters it won't work on yet duee to limited scenes
the game hasnt much to shoe yet we just have to be patient
Core idea is solid, and art looks good. Gameplay idea seems okay, but actual play is shots in the dark. If there's a connection between what the girls want and what they say, I failed to crack the code. Would help to have an in game record of what was asked, what was offered, and the result. Or something.
The gamer in me is twitchy of so many game hours skipped with nothing to show, but understand there's not yet much content for the mornings.
Yup, working on it!
so far its good but i dont understand exactley what to do besides serving drinks even my hearts dont rise anymore and i played the last few ingame nights and nothing happens
There's not much content yet :) It's just the first initial release; the content will be added over many months to come
ohhh okay thank you :)
Takes very long to load
Can't play it yet!😒😒😒
try downloading the game instead then :)
The game is 150mb and if it downloads slow that's not my fault, either itch or your internet provider :P
Still to early development for me to give a full opinion, but right now it's 2/5 for me. Can definitely make the whole bartending thing easier vs a triple combination scavenger hunt. Also on Android id hit some error screens the first couple of times I tried bartending, but haven't seen it since closing and restarting.
2/5 because of bartending?
No the whole game is a 2/5 because of its entirety, but like I said you're still early development with a lot of feedback so we'll see over the next few updates.
from what i played so far its great and can't wait to see more but i do agree with everyone else that the drink making need a hint system or something like that. keep up the good work and when eda the owl lady (joking on that last bit)
All that this game has made me realize is that I would be a terrible bartender.
I can promise you'll be better at it after the update! :D
the only ine that i got it right
pocahintas likes
gin breeze peach nectar amd sage petal
red wine | apple | thyme. this gives me the message: "it's like you captured the spirit of the earth in a glass - pure perfection" it appears to be the best one
edit: when i try to give her another drink, it now shows the option "perfect" above the serve button
edit2: turns out the perfect combination becomes obsolete at some point, turning into something different
edit 3: turns out there are different perfect combinations for the different messages, the perfect combinations still work for the related message
Can you put up 2 more pictures, some dialog and a choice? (And any other feature we should be aware of)
hey the discord isn't working
Try this!
Like aready said a hint system and a drink mixing help would be great. Sadly I'm currently stuck serving Essa a drink.
Did anyone find some drink combinations that work?
I can see the potential and inspirations for this game. Unfortunately I tried to play the browser version on Android and got stuck in the "History" menu. I also noticed there are a couple of text errors, for example I gave a custom name to the ex-GF but the game semi-crashed into the store page, and after I restored it the Narrator called her by her original name anyways.
Obviously these are somewhat expected happenings for a solo project that just released, with polish it could become a great demo.
Thank you very much! :) I'll be working hard on fixing bugs, adding more content and making the drink mixing more enjoyable - the pace and the growth of the project will depend a lot on people's trust and helping out via patreon though, of course!
i think the bug may be that certain names in locations are picked up not from a variable (custom name) but from hard coded entries, i had no crashes but Rae and Elly kept popping up despite having custom Names
Does the game auto save?
Hmmmmm, i think so!
I make this quick, the concept is lovely the making drinks perfectly is very difficult with the amount variety in the ingredients, and something i noticed, you have an android version of the game with no way for somone using a phone to leave the history. With improvements there is a lot of potential here.
thanks! Will make sure to address these in the update! ❤️